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Spires Integrated Primary School, Magherafelt

News - Year 3

2018/2019 School Year

15th Apr 2019
Lets follow the map and hunt for Easter eggs.   ARTICLE 31: ...
4th Apr 2019
Primary 3 and Primary 4 children used the Bee-Bot Pyramid App on their I Pads to...
2nd Apr 2019
Our Eco-Committee constantly monitor the use of waste free lunchboxes in our...
29th Mar 2019
A huge thank you to Miss Grace Hamilton, who visited our school today. Grace competed...
25th Mar 2019
A  huge thank you to not only the children of Spires for completing their dance-athon...
25th Mar 2019
Well done to all the boys and girls who received a certificate at this month's assembly....
19th Mar 2019
We designed, made and evaluated a pair of spectacles which we could see through....
8th Mar 2019
Primary 3 mums and dads came to see the children at work in their class. Everyone...
5th Mar 2019
Our BIG Breakfast this morning, Tuesday 6th March had a wonderful turn out. ...
25th Feb 2019
We are learning about nocturnal animals as part of our theme, "Out After Dark."...